
Soluzioni di Serraggio Sicuro

Creare un mondo più sicuro concentrandosi sulla sicurezza delle soluzioni meccaniche fondamentali per il nostro stile di vita.

La nostra storia

Soluzioni di Serraggio Sicuro

Creare un mondo più sicuro concentrandosi sulla sicurezza delle soluzioni meccaniche fondamentali per il nostro stile di vita.

La nostra storia

Tecnologia ed esperienza al servizio delle aziende di tutto il mondo

Nord-Lock Group dispone delle tecnologie necessarie per risolvere le tue complesse sfide di serraggio, qualunque sia il tuo settore. Vantiamo decenni di esperienza nell'efficace soluzione delle sfide specifiche del settore, in tutto il mondo. Affidati a noi: risolveremo anche le tue! Per conoscere meglio le nostre soluzioni, seleziona il tuo settore.

  • Construction

    Easy to use solutions that ensure the structural joints on your bridges and buildings last

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  • Forestry & Agriculture

    No more lug wear, so you can avoid downtime and keep your machines working in the fields and forests

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  • Machine Building

    Bolted connections that work as hard as your machines do

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  • Manufacturing & Processing

    Maximise production and minimise downtime with truly fitted bolts that won’t budge

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  • Mining & Minerals

    Heavy-duty technology to withstand the demanding conditions of heavy-duty machinery

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  • Oil & Gaz

    Secure solutions that are quick to install and replace, ensuring your safety even in the harshest conditions

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  • Power Generation

    Bolt tightening to support state of the art applications in all sectors of power generation

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  • Railway

    Bolting solutions that never come loose, no matter how fast you’re going

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  • Shipbuilding & Marine

    Small and efficient products that can carry the load of your large cargo ships and tankers

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  • Steel, Forging & Other Presses

    Specially designed steel construction products that conform to the strict requirements of the industry

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  • Transportation

    Whether you need a lightweight solution for a space satellite or a wheel-locking solution for heavy duty vehicles, our products will get you from A to B

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  • Miscellaneous

    A solution for bolted joint challenges in each and every industry

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