
Soluções seguras para aparafusamentos

Criar um mundo mais seguro pelo foco na integridade das soluções mecânicas que são essenciais ao nosso modo de viver.

Aqui está a nossa história

Soluções seguras para aparafusamentos

Criar um mundo mais seguro pelo foco na integridade das soluções mecânicas que são essenciais ao nosso modo de viver.

Aqui está a nossa história

Atendendo as indústrias no mundo todo

O Grupo Nord-Lock tem as tecnologias que você precisa para resolver seus complexos desafios de aparafusamento, qualquer que seja a sua indústria. Temos décadas de experiência na resolução bem-sucedida de desafios específicos da indústria no mundo todo e você pode confiar em nós para resolver os seus. Saiba mais sobre as nossas soluções, selecionando a sua indústria abaixo.

  • Construction

    Easy to use solutions that ensure the structural joints on your bridges and buildings last

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  • Forestry & Agriculture

    No more lug wear, so you can avoid downtime and keep your machines working in the fields and forests

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  • Machine Building

    Bolted connections that work as hard as your machines do

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  • Manufacturing & Processing

    Maximise production and minimise downtime with truly fitted bolts that won’t budge

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  • Mining & Minerals

    Heavy-duty technology to withstand the demanding conditions of heavy-duty machinery

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  • Oil & Gas

    Secure solutions that are quick to install and replace, ensuring your safety even in the harshest conditions

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  • Power Generation

    Bolt tightening to support state of the art applications in all sectors of power generation

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  • Railway

    Bolting solutions that never come loose, no matter how fast you’re going

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  • Shipbuilding & Marine

    Small and efficient products that can carry the load of your large cargo ships and tankers

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  • Steel, Forging & Other Presses

    Specially designed steel construction products that conform to the strict requirements of the industry

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  • Transportation

    Whether you need a lightweight solution for a space satellite or a wheel-locking solution for heavy duty vehicles, our products will get you from A to B

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  • Miscellaneous

    A solution for bolted joint challenges in each and every industry

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