Continued Innovation: Tamper-resistant tensioner ready for the market

One of the key benefits of many Nord-Lock Group technologies, such as Superbolt’s multi-jackbolt tensioners, is that they’re easy to apply and can often be tightened and removed with basic hand tools. The only problem is that this also makes it easier for non-authorised removal. For such applications, the Nord-Lock Group has developed the tamper-resistant multi-jackbolt tensioner.

“The concept was developed after one of our customers in Africa was having problems with thieves breaking into their oil pipelines and stealing oil,” says Robert Steinbock, President of Superbolt. “They want to use multi-jackbolt tensioners to tighten clamps to seal off the holes, but since they can easily be removed using common hand tools, it would be easy to reopen the holes and steal more oil. Therefore, we developed a new solution that couldn’t be loosened with conventional tools.”

The tamper-resistant tensioner is much like an armoured version of the multi-jackbolt tensioner, except it requires a specially designed socket for tightening and removal. As a result, users gain the bolt security and ease of using standard tensioners, while also significantly reducing the threat of unwanted loosen­ing as a result of tampering. While it has been developed for oil pipelines, the new product is ideal for any security sensitive applications, such as road signs, and has huge potential in a number of fields.

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