Superbolt var i sin tid en revolusjon i forhold til å kunne dra til store bolter. Vi endret hele prinsippet fra å bruke stort verktøy og skalerte det hele ned til kun bruk av håndverktøy. Bedre HMS, reduserte verktøykostnader, 100% nøyaktighet ble resultatet av denne massive forbedringen. Vår teknologi er siden utprøvd og testet i tusenvis av vellykkede installasjoner, og vi fortsetter å utvikle en rekke løsninger for å løse neste generasjon utfordringer med bolter. Det er ingen øvre eller nedre grense for hvilke dimensjoner Superbolt passer for!

Frequently asked questions

Do I need a specific drive system to use this Tool?
No, the Superbolt Tool can be adapted to any drive system. This means that you can use existing equipment, including battery-operated tools. In order to adapt the Tool to your drive system, you will need to advise Nord-Lock Group of your existing drive and we will design the specific Superbolt Tool to suit.

How do I handle or operate this Tool?
The Superbolt Tool is a lightweight modular design consisting of a drive and a cassette for ease of use. This makes the work much easier for the operator who does not have to carry heavy loads. The Tool can be used in whichever way the application requires (up-side-down, vertical, horizontal).

How can I determine accurate bolt load?
The Superbolt Tool ensures that all jackbolts are aligned, then applies an even and accurate torque simultaneously to all jackbolts. This ensures that traditional Superbolt precision is maintained. The Tool has been thoroughly tested, and it achieves a very high level of accuracy. For even greater accuracy levels, calibration can be applied.

When is it relevant for me to invest in a Superbolt Tool?
Superbolt tensioners are used in a wide array of applications. The Superbolt Tool is particularly relevant for an application which requires a high quantity of MJTs of the same or similar size or where frequent maintenance is needed. This would be of great benefit to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs).

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