Does adhesive works as a lubricant during tightening?

The Myth: Chemical thread-locking (adhesives) works as a lubricant during tightening.

The Truth: Chemical thread locking is a traditional solution used to protect bolted assemblies against self-loosening. The majority of users of this solution consider chemical thread locking as a lubricant. This approach is not usually realistic. Since the lubricant effect of this adhesive depends on the cleanliness of threaded surfaces (surface energy + roughness), materials, chemical properties of adhesive (polymerization speed), temperature, tightening speed and its sequences (in the case of multi-joint assemblies). For the many applications, chemical thread locking reduces friction but this does not have the same effect as a real lubricant. For this reason, friction values are not mentioned on a chemical thread locking packages.

Which bolt locking product should I use?

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What you will find in the eBook:

  • Pros and cons of the different bolt locking methods
  • Evaluation of different products
  • A print-friendly Guidance for Selection, to help you decide which product to use in your applications


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